论坛 (page 1)
(21/06/2012 19:22:49)
Hey I found your website by miastke when i searched Google for this concern, I have to point out your webpage is absolutely helpful I also enjoy the theme, its superb!
(15/06/2012 12:29:24)
Il est idiot ce site non?
(13/06/2012 22:49:56)
Stupid site.
(11/06/2012 08:30:24)
We are talking about good money... http://www.sabahan.com/2007/09/10/how-a-17-year-old-girl-ear ns-70k-monthly-from-her-website/
About this website, I don't think that is that much big money, but many people probably arrive on this website and click, so ... let's ask the webmaster, if he is still alive )
About this website, I don't think that is that much big money, but many people probably arrive on this website and click, so ... let's ask the webmaster, if he is still alive )
(10/06/2012 20:20:03)
@Casper, and did the webmaster succeed in making money?
Is it that easy to make money?
How much are we talking about?
Is it that easy to make money?
How much are we talking about?
(09/06/2012 16:59:49)
The purpose of this website is to make the buzz, to allow the webmaster to make money )
(03/06/2012 23:07:52)
Il est idiot ce site
(03/06/2012 19:35:45)
the purpose of this web site is to get the owner in deep trouble because annoucing someone death before it actually happen is equal to a death threat wich should not be taken lightly . btw this kind of stupid jokes are by far not funny and i hope this garbage web site get trashed the worst way possible
(03/06/2012 19:16:15)
N'importe quoi
(22/05/2012 11:13:08)
¿Qué es James Blunt?
(16/05/2012 13:46:41)
James Blunt n'est pas mort du tout, voici comment il a commenté l'annonce de sa mort par CNN: "J'ignore si cette rumeur est vraie, si oui je peux vous dire que l’au-delà ressemble beaucoup à Londres".
Mort je ne sais pas, mais de l'humour il en a!
Mort je ne sais pas, mais de l'humour il en a!
(06/05/2012 15:29:39)
James Blunt est-il mort oui ou non?
(06/05/2012 00:09:46)
What exactly is an anticipated obituary? What is the purpose of this website?
(05/05/2012 12:12:27)